Sunday, February 5, 2012

would you people shut up?

So I mentioned how charged any political conversation can become on my FB page.

Well, YESTERDAY, I posted a silly graphic that was essentially in support of gay marriage.

As of now, there are 32 comments. One main voice from my uber- conservative friends. And several from my more liberal friends. Over time, several of the liberals have eventually lost interest/patience with the uber-conservative- who will not shut up, nor acknowledge when another person has countered the argument effectively.

I guess they are having fun.

I've been drawn back in once or twice when something particularly annoying was said- for instance, when the Uber-C said that society consistently using the same institution for hundreds or thousands of years was a pretty good measure of its being "good" or "valid".

Please. Slavery? Women as chattel?


THIS is why I so seldom post these topics publicly.

But I ask you, gentle reader, should I post such things? Do you think the Uber-C or others watching from the sidelines might have their minds opened a bit?

Or is this just an exercise in frustration for all concerned?


Beth said...

Maybe it will open their minds, maybe it won't. But don't let them stop you from posting, because:

a) you never know how many people will feel supported knowing that you're sharing those views

b) hey, the conservatives aren't about to stop posting... so if you don't, they dominate the posts by default!

love you!

dramamama said...

True enough, and so I post- but at this point I am torn between rebutting- and extending the 60-comment run with a for sure follow up from the Uber-Conservtative- and letting it die out/hiding the conversation while he feels he's "winning". Of course, at whatever point, he will feel that he is winning because he won't shut up and he won't hear valid comments such as "your argument is circular". *sigh*