Sunday, March 8, 2015

Spring forward

I've been struggling with my demons again. Feel like I've lost my way. I will get back to posting. I have plenty going on in my head, and I need to get it out.

I haven't posted since last year. In that time:

*December 31: My furnace died the day my mom came home from the hospital to live with us- the day the cold snap really started. Happy New Year! Happy Space Heaters!

* Our New Year's present to ourselves: New furnace.

* My mom moved in with us with her two dogs. We are now a family of 3 and host a dog pack of 4.

* I started teaching a second semester of two classes at Byzantine U. Still adjunct- over worked and underpaid. Loving the students and hating the commute.

* My brother-in-law lost his battle with multiple myeloma. He died on February 13, and I, along with the rest of my family, am providing what support I may to my sister and her sons.

* I have been writing my morning pages faithfully since December 19. Perhaps this blog is moving on with those efforts.

That's some of what's been going on. I am sure I'm forgetting some things; I know that I am deliberately omitting/suppressing other struggles that are ongoing.

I'm planning to get right on writing Varsity Shakespeare: the Play Book for Bard Games and Timeless to Timely. I am. Right after I grade these 20-some midterms and read 18,000+ words of blogs from my students in the other class.