Wednesday, April 24, 2013

dream job

This will ramble a bit.

I am thinking and thinking about what my dream job might be.

And feeling like I am running out of time.

Recently, I have been working at the local public charter school. I looked it up, and by working part-time I have accumulated 2 years towards the 10 years that would make me fully vested for retirement benefits.

I would like to "retire" at some point.

I would like to continue to have income.

As I have noted in another post, I have ended up working at jobs that I thought I had rejected.

At different times, I have thought of being/worked towards becoming:

1. writer
2. actor
3. director
4. journalist
5. midwife
6. college professor
7. rabbi
8. cantor
9. lawyer

Okay, the last three I thought were kind of cool but I hadn't actually worked towards being any of them.

I've actually been paid, although never a living wage, for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. I've done some of the functions of 7, 8, and 9.

But I've never felt like I fit in.

As I am thinking of the college professor type jobs, my only real shot at scoring one means that I need to write and present at conferences.

To work full time and score something more like a living wage where I am right now (the public school system), I would pretty much have to go back to college for a degree of some sort in education.

Honestly, I feel so PhinisheD.

What to do?

More rambling as I think of it.