Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fear and Guilt as a marketing strategy

Pop-up ads and border ads are how the Internet is funded, no doubt about it.

The ad that caught my eye this morning had a huddled figure in a gray landscape with the caption:

If you died today, who would take care of your family?

Which got me thinking -- not in the way the marketers intended.

If I died today, my family would be fine. Seriously. I have insurance that would cover the burial expenses and take care of some counseling, if needed. All my children are grown and have busy lives of their own. The small income I have is not in any way relied on for managing our household.

So, the fear and guilt the ad is meant to inspire so that I would run out and buy more or better life insurance fails miserably in my case.

However, the ad *did* make me feel something-- uncomfortable, sad.

If I died tomorrow, it seems, it would make no difference at all.

Yesterday, Oprah announced that she will be ending her TV show in about a year and a half, and it was MAJOR NEWS.

My life? not so much.