Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I have been here before.

I know this place too well.

The days are long here, and the nights are longer still.

Nothing has value; shades of gray with no contrast.

No light.

The geography is too familiar-- the terrain rough in its eternal sameness.

How is it that I find my way here so easily-- and cannot find the way out.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Why did your blog disappear for awhile? I tried to find it last week and it was gone, now it is here and with several new posts! The strange mysteries of the internet... I now have more questions for you, but will save them for later.

Some initial thoughts:
I love you.
Let's make an exercise plan while I'm there for Thanksgiving.
Maybe we can come up with a new, easily implemented idea like a collaborative-writing blog rather than just our list serve?
We should have martinis.