98.0 F
I am working on building routines. I am now on Day 4 of oatmeal and raisins for breakfast. My goal is that with this, with more exercise (yoga and walking), with meditation, that I can keep my cholesterol low while going off the cholesterol meds. Side benefit: improved elimination- thank you soluble and insoluble fiber (sorry: TMI).
Daily routines:
Get up, pee, weigh myself, take my temperature.
Feed the dog.
Check in with my mom.
Coffee on the deck with my dog.
Oatmeal and raisins and milk for breakfast.
Maybe some yard work or housework: trimming seedling trees that seem to sprout overnight*, sorting more from the basement for Goodwill, Freecycle, or trash.
Computer work: I need to make this more productive, as we get closer to the beginning of fall semester. I am determined to re-craft the syllabus for each of my classes, so that the basics of Western canon are communicated- but missing voices are uncovered, or questioned, or investigated. Women's voices. Black voices. Non-Western voices.
A lot of work. I will invite my students to join me on the journey.
Late afternoon, prepare for dinner and DH's return from work. We debrief each other.
Evenings are often a drink with dinner, maybe a tv show or listen to a baseball game- now that baseball has started for the limited pandemic season.
There are weekly routines, too. Yoga usually on Thursday, Zoom worship services usually on Friday. Wednesday morning Zoom with one grandchild, hoping for Tuesday afternoon with the others. Ken sometimes has (Zoom) board meetings on Wednesday nights or Thursday nights.
There is comfort in routine when all is chaos.
*Some things literally do sprout overnight and pass away that very day. Below see morning mushrooms, and afternoon mushrooms on July 20.
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