Tuesday, December 19, 2017

5778: On the seventh night ...

On the seventh night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you...

This is a SPRAY chalk set! Honestly!

I am not buying you this because it is WRONG. Chalk does not come in a can. You do not spray chalk. You do not spray chalk "up to 80 linear feet per can."

Because CHALK does NOT come in a CAN.

Granted, I am more than a little bit of a crunchy-granola-tree-hugging-environment-loving gal. So I'm not fond of aerosol in general. (Even my non-stick "spray" in the kitchen, and my hairspray, are both pump bottles without propellant). So I'm offended by aerosol cans where none are needed. But beyond that--


How do you blend and smear spray chalk? Huh? Tell me!

How do you break your can of chalk so you can share it with a friend?

How do you get chalk dust all over your fingers and the cuffs of your sleeves?

You DON'T. You just shake and spray.

Although, it claims that it "dissolves naturally with the rain." So, perhaps it is temporary.

So let's have truth in advertising... call it a "Temporary Tagging Kit."

It's not chalk. So there.


dramamama said...

The candles for the last night are blazing... tomorrow I will not buy the last gifts of the season...

Anonymous said...

....and, sadly, schools don't use chalkboards any more.....looking forward to DD's eighth night of a non-gift.