Sunday, April 15, 2012

to to to DO, to to to DO!

Somehow today I will be:
  1. finishing the last little bits of grading
  2. prepping for tomorrow's classes
  3. emailing my failing students with their last warning
  4. applying for a job
  5. writing a ten minute play or two
Oh, and at the moment I'm doing laundry. LOVE that multi-tasking.

grading- done
prepping- mostly done
emailing students- done
applying for job/kicked to tomorrow
writing play/kicked to tomorrow (which is THE DEADLINE)

Oh, and still doing laundry

goodnight, goodnight, before it becomes tomorrow.

Still later- as in, ten days later:
1. I did the grading. Now I have stacks of new grading, as final papers have been turned in and final exams are currently being taken.

2. prepping did get finished, and in time for classes.

3. I have emailed the failing students. Some of them twice. Now I'm done. Failing or passing, their choice.

4. job application: done. Getting the job or not: their choice.

5. ten minute play: written and submitted.

And I am getting back to the blogs. OKAY!

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