Monday, January 2, 2012


What timing. What synchronicity. My daughter, the phenomenal writer, has decided to embrace inconvenience.

At the very same time that I've been thinking of the picayune petty inconveniences in my life. I've just returned from a driving trip to Florida to officiate at the wedding of a friend (a sort of wedding- I'll elaborate at some point). It is of course ironic that once again I'm officiating at a wedding. Although, I'm getting pretty passionate about people being able to get married who want to get married.

Any way, the entire trip was inconvenient.

First, I had to write the service. I will go into how challenging that was at another time.

Next, and the greatest inconvenience of all, really, Dear Husband K and I had to arrange for someone to be at our home, at least late night and early morning, each of the days that we were gone.

This is because my mom is currently living with us as she recovers from several major surgeries. Just one factor that made last year a truly challenging year.

Now, thanks to her continuing recovery and great progress, it is not for my mom, so much, that we need housesitters. It's for the dogs. And it's not for my dogs, it's for her dogs, who are also living with us for the duration.

MY dogs could go to the kennel. They've done it before, many, many times.

HER dogs could no way go to the kennel. They haven't had shots. HER dogs have never even had collars on them- until KG and I fetched them from my mom's house to my house.

Now getting someone to stay at the house with my mom had proved a great inconvenience and source of frustration in the past- when the need was truly great for my mom's sake. It was almost worse now that Mom doesn't really need the care- she can go and stay at someone's home- it's just the dogs.

Because my mom can't do stairs, and the way for the dogs to go outside to our fenced in back yard is via the stairs into the basement.

That's the one sticking point.

Once again, dh K did the calling. And once again, my brother stepped up to organize, after friction with my sister.

So, the next inconvenience was driving the 20 hours it took to get to our friend in Florida. We drove a LONG way. Fortunately, dh K and I are just fine together on long car trips. Still, I was wishing for the Star Trek "Beam me up Scottie" machine before we were half-past Georgia.

Despite all the inconveniences:

I am glad I went to Florida.

I am glad I am taking care of my mom.

I am glad I have dogs.

(Most of the time.)

(I don't know if I am ready to embrace the inconvenience of my mom having dogs ...)

1 comment:

Beth said...

Never know when the universe will align :)

Glad you made the trek, and are safely home. Also, way to link and cross-post within this post... and your Facebook page has tripled in likes since yesterday... we're MOVING THINGS FORWARD!! <3