Friday, December 18, 2020

5781/2020 On the Eighth NIght of Chanukah, I did not give to you...

 Chanukah is over for another year. Last night was the eighth night, with all the candles lit and blazing.



What did I not buy you for the last night-- the end of Chanukah 5781?

 Here it is! A keepsake frame for your baby's first pooh!

Why didn't I buy this for you? After all, you DO have a newborn!*

More to the point, why didn't I not-buy this for you on night NUMBER 2?

(Or on the first night... for the first pooh...)

Simple: first pooh was in November. It's much too late.

So why am I not-buying you this now?

1. It's for the end- right?

2. I happen to know that you have a friend who is expecting... so, as a gift, it's not too late.

* Did I forget to mention? We have a NEW GRANDBABY!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

5781/2020 On the seventh night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you...

 On the seventh night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you...


This is a dog lick pet distraction. You mount this in your shower/ bath, smear it with peanut butter, and it keeps your dog distracted while you give him a bath. 

That's the theory.


First of all, I'm not buying you this because I don't like things stuck on my bathroom tiles, with smears of anything, let alone smears of something the color and consistency of p-

Peanut butter. We'll go with that.



Let's take another look. First, look at the icons on the left. I think that top diagram looks like a bear in the bathtub. The bottom circle looks like Scissors vs Scorpion.

Look at the text beneath each drawing.

Take a Bath Quickly.

Cutting Dog Hair Quickly.

Nail Clipper Quickly.

I'm thinking whatever happens, it better happen fast. 

Finally, looking at the adorable spokes-pup for the product- that pooch does not look happy or distracted. 

And the smear...

Nope. Not buying it. 

5781/2020 On the sixth night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you

 Last night was the sixth night of Chanukah.  Since we were talking about pets, this is what I am not buying for you for the sixth night:

This is a Huggle Pet Animal Hoodie. It clearly has identity issues. The one I looked at was a "Rainbow Unicorn"- that had a kangaroo pocket!

Unicorn or Kangaroo? UniRoo? KangaKorn?

"Turns from Cuddly Pet into a Soft Hoodie". 

Do you zip open your pets and then put them on? 

I don't think so! Not unless you are on the snowy plains of Hoth, my friend!

And the unzipping gets messy.

ALSO: This says "ages 3 and up" and "One Size Fits All".

It may be for ages 3 and up, but I feel certain that One Size Does NOT Fit All.

5781/2020 On the fifth night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you...

 It has been a tradition, in years past, to note the fifth night with some reference to a fifth-

not a fifth perfect or diminished:

but more like a fifth, demolished:


For instance, there was the fifth night when I didn't give you a giant pocket flask. Since you didn't have a giant pocket, what would be the point?


I didn't give you a giant wine glass on the first night of Chanukah, once, but that's okay. When's the last time you bought a fifth of wine, I ask you?

So, for this year's fifth night of Chanukah, I considered this:

It is a Santa stocking flask, pictured with a color-coordinated Solo (r) cup. I decided not to not-buy this for you because, you know, CHANUKAH. 

No offense, Santa.

Instead, considering the challenging year we have all had, I am not buying you this...

...because you are a glass-half-full kind of guy. 

And, as has been said before, half full or half empty, either way there is room for more! So pour!


On the fourth night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you...

 The fourth night of Chanukah was Sunday night. Yes, I am behind. So it goes.

There are so many holiday crafts. I know you've been painting. So, I did not buy you a kit to paint your pet. 

Because I wasn't sure, you see, if you should paint your pet:



Or, if you should paint your pet:

Either way, I've seen your dog, and it would take a lot of paint.

So,  I did not buy it for you.

Seen above: Grateful unpainted dog.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

5781/2020 On the third night of Chanukah, I did not give to you...

 Last night was the third night of Chanukah, and so here we are with a gift for the third night. 

The night that comes after number two. Which is a factor in selecting this gift to not-give you tonight*.

This is a burial pod for your deceased pet fish.  It is biodegradable and eco-friendly, made of bamboo powder and rice husks.

So when Goldie's gone, you can bury your beloved pet with dignity *and* protect the planet!

Why would I not buy you such a lovely gift?

It's not the price. Price is no object when I am not-buying for you. No, I wouldn't go for the frugal fish funeral finery at only $7.95. Nope, I'm not-buying you the $99.99 version on ebay because your finny friend is worth it!

No, the reason I am not-buying you this gift is mainly** this (I quote from the promotional materials - emphasis added):

"Each pod comes with a seeded sympathy card children can sign. When they bury their fish with the card, the seeds grow into wildflowers; when they bloom, your kids will remember their fish."

When they bury their fish. In the ground. In the dirt. 

This is wrong. A fish should not spend eternity in dirt. No, let them die as they lived, in water. As is tradition.

As always, after number two*.

We flush.



**The other reason that I am not-buying you this is because you don't have a pet fish.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Channukah 1-2-3

 My goodness, how time flies when you are in a pandemic!

It has been a tradition for many years now - since 2012 or 5773 depending on your calendar- that on each night of Chanukah, I select a gift not to give to my DSIL*. 

Our family has had challenges and dark days recently. Perhaps your family has too. During this festival of lights, it is worth it to bring a little light and levity where we can. It's worth continuing a tradition, even if it's silly. 

So, a couple nights late, I am offering my traditional gifts-not-given.

On the first night of Chanukah, I did not give to you:

These are slippers that are fully microwavable.

Don't believe me? Look closer!

It says that these are snugglable, huggable, loveable slippers. That are fully microwavable.

So wrong. 

I understand that the isolation of the pandemic is getting to all of us, but are we truly driven to snuggling with slippers?

Or are we supposed to eat them? 

I am opposed to putting footwear in my cooking appliances. So, no. 

On the second night of Chaunkah, I did not give to you:

This is a still shot of the game Potty Racers. It is something of a tradition that for night number 2,  I don't buy for you a potty or poop themed gift, such as the shitten,  or woods wipe toilet paper (in the same post, although not intended for night 2, I also didn't gift poo-pouri, or the squatty potty).

So here is an appropriately-themed gift for night number 2. This game has a stick man who is boldly building racing porta-potties and propelling them off cliffs and into races - presumably with other portapotty-racers. It has at least FIVE VERSIONS OF THE GAME!

Why did I not-buy this gift for you?

Two reasons (number two, get it?).

1.As far as I can tell, the porta-potties are not poop-propelled. I believe in the Power of Poop. 

2.Also as far as I can tell, the game is free. So, I can't buy it. 

 So there is that.


On the THIRD NIGHT of Chanukah- It's tonight! So- see you tonight!