Wednesday, December 16, 2020

5781/2020 On the fifth night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you...

 It has been a tradition, in years past, to note the fifth night with some reference to a fifth-

not a fifth perfect or diminished:

but more like a fifth, demolished:


For instance, there was the fifth night when I didn't give you a giant pocket flask. Since you didn't have a giant pocket, what would be the point?


I didn't give you a giant wine glass on the first night of Chanukah, once, but that's okay. When's the last time you bought a fifth of wine, I ask you?

So, for this year's fifth night of Chanukah, I considered this:

It is a Santa stocking flask, pictured with a color-coordinated Solo (r) cup. I decided not to not-buy this for you because, you know, CHANUKAH. 

No offense, Santa.

Instead, considering the challenging year we have all had, I am not buying you this...

...because you are a glass-half-full kind of guy. 

And, as has been said before, half full or half empty, either way there is room for more! So pour!


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