Monday, December 7, 2015

On the first night of Channukah, I did not give to you...

A few years ago, I started a tradition of sharing what I would not be giving to my Son-In-Law for Channukah.

So, on the first night of Channukah this year, I won't be giving my SIL this:

This is an over-sized wine glass. I know this because it says so right on the box. It is a bit larger than your typical bottle of wine. In fact, you could use this wine glass as an ice bucket for the wine bottle.

While I know, dear SIL, that you are a wine enthusiast, and clearly, this is a gift for a wine enthusiast (again, it says so right on the box), I still did not give to you this gift.

It's not because I saw it at Goodwill. I believe in being thrifty, and I didn't think that you would mind.

It's not because of the price. It was at Goodwill, and at a good price.


It's that there was only one.

You shouldn't drink alone.

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