Wednesday, December 16, 2020

5781/2020 On the sixth night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you

 Last night was the sixth night of Chanukah.  Since we were talking about pets, this is what I am not buying for you for the sixth night:

This is a Huggle Pet Animal Hoodie. It clearly has identity issues. The one I looked at was a "Rainbow Unicorn"- that had a kangaroo pocket!

Unicorn or Kangaroo? UniRoo? KangaKorn?

"Turns from Cuddly Pet into a Soft Hoodie". 

Do you zip open your pets and then put them on? 

I don't think so! Not unless you are on the snowy plains of Hoth, my friend!

And the unzipping gets messy.

ALSO: This says "ages 3 and up" and "One Size Fits All".

It may be for ages 3 and up, but I feel certain that One Size Does NOT Fit All.

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