Friday, December 18, 2020

5781/2020 On the Eighth NIght of Chanukah, I did not give to you...

 Chanukah is over for another year. Last night was the eighth night, with all the candles lit and blazing.



What did I not buy you for the last night-- the end of Chanukah 5781?

 Here it is! A keepsake frame for your baby's first pooh!

Why didn't I buy this for you? After all, you DO have a newborn!*

More to the point, why didn't I not-buy this for you on night NUMBER 2?

(Or on the first night... for the first pooh...)

Simple: first pooh was in November. It's much too late.

So why am I not-buying you this now?

1. It's for the end- right?

2. I happen to know that you have a friend who is expecting... so, as a gift, it's not too late.

* Did I forget to mention? We have a NEW GRANDBABY!

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