Wednesday, December 16, 2020

5781/2020 On the seventh night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you...

 On the seventh night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you...


This is a dog lick pet distraction. You mount this in your shower/ bath, smear it with peanut butter, and it keeps your dog distracted while you give him a bath. 

That's the theory.


First of all, I'm not buying you this because I don't like things stuck on my bathroom tiles, with smears of anything, let alone smears of something the color and consistency of p-

Peanut butter. We'll go with that.



Let's take another look. First, look at the icons on the left. I think that top diagram looks like a bear in the bathtub. The bottom circle looks like Scissors vs Scorpion.

Look at the text beneath each drawing.

Take a Bath Quickly.

Cutting Dog Hair Quickly.

Nail Clipper Quickly.

I'm thinking whatever happens, it better happen fast. 

Finally, looking at the adorable spokes-pup for the product- that pooch does not look happy or distracted. 

And the smear...

Nope. Not buying it. 

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