Monday, December 19, 2022

5783 On the first night of Hanukkah I did not buy for you...

Ten years ago, I began a tradition of not-buying a gift (or eight...) for my (then) Dear Daughter's Significant Other* on each night of Chanukah. 

A decade later there are still many gifts not-to-buy! 

So on the first night of Chanukah, the Festival of Light, I did not buy for you:


I've not-bought you light before; for instance, a pillow in the first year of the blog! Then there were the light-up friends. Let's not forget the light-saber chopsticks last year!

But all those gifts are in the past. Their appeal has dimmed. 

For the Festival of Lights this year, I had a great idea! Which means, a LIGHT BULB went off over my head!

(That's how it happens in the comic books, sonny!)

So I am not-buying you a light bulb.

This light bulb, specifically:

This is a light bulb. It goes in the light socket of your lamp. BUT IT'S SPECIAL because it is also A FLASHLIGHT!

This light bulb has a rechargeable battery and is (apparently) recharging all the time so that, if the lights go out, the lights don't go out. For 5 hours. 

You take the light out of the socket, and use it for a flashlight.

Neat, eh?

So why didn't I buy this for you on the Festival of Lights? Let me enlighten you.

1. Too practical. I believe in gifts that you wouldn't get yourself: Something whimsical or that pampers you. 

2. I believe this light bulb has an identity crisis. Is it meant to live in a lamp? Or venture out as a flashlight? A stable but staid home light, or a flasher passed hand to hand? What if the light bulb needs therapy? Electroshock therapy! NO!

3. You have a toddler in the house. You can't go modeling family members lighting light bulbs with their bodies. What if the toddler tries it?

4. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, it's a gift I'm not-buying you for Chanukah. It only stays lit for 5 hours. 

If it were for 8 hours, we might have a different conversation.

Chag Sameach!

*She is still my Dear Daughter. It's that he is now my DDS (Dear Daughter's Spouse).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great gift NOT to buy!