Thursday, December 22, 2022

5783 On the fourth night of Chanukah, I did not give to you...

 While the fourth night of Chanukah was Wednesday, the fourth day of Chanukah is Thursday- that's how the Jewish holidays roll. It was evening, it was morning, another day.

So it's Chanukah Throw-back Thursday! 

For the fourth night/day of Chanukah, I did not buy for you a gift that reminded me of gifts of years gone by. 

This gift reminds me of a gift from the very first year- because of its function. 

This gift reminds me of another gift because its form. 

So, for the fourth night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you this:

This is a Bogey Man Egg Separator. Throwback to the E-Z Egg Cracker function in year #1 (2012 or 5773). Throwback to Runny Nose Soap Dispenser of 2019/ 5780.

Why would I not buy this for you? 

Some of the original reasons still apply from year #1: You can still separate egg whites from yolks easily with things you already have!

Also, it's sort of heart-healthy, right? Focusing on the egg whites instead of the yolks? It's the freakin' HOLIDAY SEASON, mate! Who is eating healthy right now?

Also, it's sexist. Where are the Bogey-Women with their egg whites? Nobody nose. 

Wait- I said it's egg whites, you said It'sSnot?

(Still Throwback Thursday.)

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