Monday, December 19, 2022

5783 On the Second Night of Hanukkah I did not buy for you...

There are so many holiday traditions. For some, there are gifts of pjs or crazy sweaters. For others, there are special foods that are shared (or, in the case of some fruitcakes, archived) for the holiday. 

There is the tradition, after all, of this Chanukah blog.

The blog itself has a tradition.

There is a tradition for night Number 2.

Because, it's Number 2. 

[Insert juvenile giggle here.]

Who does not recall undies in a TP can? Or the Woods Wipe Toilet Paper KIT with Deer Flask? Or the Super Dooper Reindeer Pooper? Once I didn't buy for you a veritable library on the Power of Poop

We could go on...

A tradition!

After ten years, though, you don't want to get bound up by tradition. You want to stay smooth, relaxed, easy. Otherwise, you could get wiped out.

So maybe it's time for something fun. A game!

On the second night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you- a game.

This is Flush'N Frenzy. It is an actual game for 2 to 4 players. You have to plunge the toilet as many times as the die tells you, and if the poop flies out you have to be the first to catch it- Bonus points if you catch the Flying Poop in Mid-Flight.  Oops, excuse me, not points- tokens. Blue chips. See below.

Why oh why am I not buying this for you?


1. It's definitely made of plastic. Not eco-friendly. If we're dealing with poo-products, let's go eco-friendly, okay? 

2. I happen to know that you have a toddler, who is 2,  and you may be more involved with toilet issues and poop chasing and catching in real life than any old game. 

On Night #2, two reasons are probably sufficient. 


I could not-buy you two gifts. 

Since this is the biggest travel season since the Pandemic, perhaps you might need:

The TravelJohn Resealable Disposable Urinal.

Both resealable and disposable.

I'm so confused. 

May all go smoothly for you. On Night Number 2.

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