Monday, December 26, 2022

5783 On the eighth night of Chanukah I did not buy for you...

 Last night was the eighth night of Chanukah. All eight candles were lit.

Picture of actual candles from last night.

Last night was the last night, making today the last day of Chanukah for this year. We enjoyed celebrating Chanukah, and it's bittersweet to say farewell to the holiday.

I may shed a tear. Perhaps you might as well.

As you reach for a tissue, perhaps it might cheer you to have a classy* tissue dispenser. 

Who doesn't love the great Bard of Avon**? Always appropriate!

"Blow...and crack your cheeks! Rage! Blow..."- King Lear

"Blow, blow..." As You Like It

"God bless thee..." Richard III

I briefly considered a less literary art tissue box cover:

This is an Easter Island styled tissue box. However, this is clearly the wrong holiday. Not even the right sneezin' - I mean, season.

I also bailed on this one:

I thought about it, but, 'chute, it doesn't seem right.

Although "It were a grief so brief to part with thee," I know we will meet again. "Farewell."

*I'm aware I have previously not given you a tissue dispenser, but you have to admit this is not classy.

** Many, many people don't love the Bard. I am aware. I try to have compassion.

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