Wednesday, December 21, 2022

5783 On the third night of Hanukkah, I did not buy for you...

 On the third night of Hanukkah, I did not buy for you...


Not like the jar of nothing that I didn't buy you a few years ago. Nope.

I didn't even not-buy you this:

It's Dehydrated Water- which, if you ask me, is suspiciously close to nothing.

No, it's not that "On the third night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you... nothing." 

It's that "On the third night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you...nothing."

Instead of not-buying your gift, I'm not-making something. So much more personal.

Not a hand-knit sweater - Good heavens, no! Knitting needles? You could put your eye out with those things! 


There's a fine holiday tradition of making food for gift giving --even though those cookie exchanges and sugar-plums and fruit cakes and such are more Christmas than Chanukah. Still, sharing of food on joyous occasions is a tradition for all peoples, and sharing food is certainly a Jewish tradition!

SO... for the third night, I got busy and did not make you sourdough bread.

Why NOT!?! You exclaim, having enjoyed many of my delicious baked goods in the past. Banana bread, cinnamon rolls, CHEESECAKE!!

I'll tell you why not. 

Sourdough bread is made with sourdough starter, which is a living thing. You have to care for it, feed it, check on it. 

It's like having a pet. You and I both already have pets, thank you very much.

Actually, it's more like having a pet Gremlin. Because if you make an error in the care and feeding of this pet, things can go horribly wrong.

Like this:

This could happen to you!*  It's the Bread That Tried to Take Over Your Oven! 

Also, if you neglect your starter long enough, it will die. This could also happen to you!**

That's it. I'm going back to not-buying you gifts. Much safer.***

Happy Hanukkah! 

* This did happen to me.

**  This also happened to me. RIP, sourdough starter. But not before I tamed the beast:

*** Although, if I did not-make you a gift, there are handy Do It Yourself Instructions for making your own Dehydrated Water.

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