Tuesday, August 29, 2023


 I am good at writing. My daughter is a writer. She writes every day. She has a day job, and that means she needs to steal moments of time to write. She does this. 

I would like to write every day-- again. I have had different times in the past when I have journaled every day.

I've had a few events and encounters recently that suggest that perhaps now is the time to act on that impulse.

One is that for the past year, I've had a subscription (gifted to me by my son and daughter-in-law) of weekly prompts to reflect on my life. I've recently wrapped up the one year subscription. It reminded me of how many stories there are in my family. 

Another event is that I am teaching a new class* to graduate students. It's on a topic outside of my (formal) expertise, so I've been nervous about it. In the past few days, I've been gathering up my courage to look at this challenge as an opportunity. An important component of the class is reflection- ideally, daily reflection. I'm hoping to model this for my students in my other blog, at least weekly.

The other encounter was overhearing someone saying that the PJ Library (Jewish themed books for young children) is looking for board books. 

Hmmm. I could do that - use photos rather than illustrations- maybe ...

I have the ideas. I have the impulse. I need to develop the discipline for regular practice. 

Stay tuned.

*Yes, I'm teaching YET ANOTHER class that I basically have NO background in!

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