Thursday, December 14, 2017

5778: On the second night...

On the second night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you...

The second night of Chanukah is night Number Two, so in honor of Number Two* I did not buy you this:

This is Oh Deer! The Super Dooper Reindeer Pooper.

It comes with "piles of yummy jelly beans."**

The "sweet surprises" are dispensed when you lift the reindeer's tail. Apparently. So it says. I didn't actually TEST DRIVE this gift before not-buying it for you. There were no demo models available.

There are any number of reasons not to buy this for you, but let's stick with two.

1. It's a reindeer, with a red nose-- I'm sure there's some copyright infringement happening somewhere. It's seasonal, true, but not CHANUKAH season.

2. However, the main reason is this. Reason NUMBER TWO***: You lift the reindeer's tail, the reindeer poops, and you eat it. This is the design. BUT- You have a toddler. You don't want to model picking up poop. And eating it.

SOMEONE thought it was a good idea. But not me. So I didn't buy it for you, on the second night of Chanukah. The NUMBER TWO**** night.

Happy holidays! See you after candle lighting for night number three!

*Number Two- get it? heh heh heh Something of a tradition of NUMBER TWO. For instance, this.  Or this.

** Those don't look like jelly beans to me.

*** I'm subtle.

**** SO subtle.


cmkander said...

Ha! Both posts so far have been great -- and not wanting to model picking up poop and eating it for a toddler? Especially funny considering your history... ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh my......DD would not be able to stomach this one......or would he?????