Wednesday, August 5, 2020

On we go: Or, routines routinely destroyed

August 2 Sunday
97.2 F

DH (Dear Husband) and I are keeping our schedules flexible, because every day my mom thinks she may be discharged from the hospital, and every day she is not.

She sounds great on the phone. It's hard, though, not being able to talk to the doctors.  Dr. P, her oncologist, has scheduled iron infusions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday- but it is doubtful she will be there for all of those days. He also wants her to have a stomach scope- she keeps showing up as anemic, and he suspects an ulcer or other hidden bleed.

Cardiologists are saying she should be discharged, and have the scope done as an outpatient near her home.

I'm arguing (as best I can, literally long distance) that it makes more sense to do what needs done since she is already IN the hospital.

Ultimately, it is decided that she will have the scope and the iron transfusion on Monday, and then, if all is well, she will be discharged after the procedures.

After significant discussion with my sister, we have decided it's best for my mom to come to my home (jumpy dog and all), since my sister's two sons are home, and are often interacting with the public for work, and seeing their girlfriends. Too much exposure.

We are all uncomfortable with the risks and the isolation that is inherent in residential rehab at this time.

Mom's stay with us will be for August. The hope is, with physical therapy and changes in her meds, my mom will be able to go home in early September. If not, she will move to my sister's house for awhile, since the socializing sons will be leaving for small private college that they attend.

So DH and I spend most of Sunday cleaning and clearing the spare room, so my mom has her own space, with her own air.

Routine- well, I did take temp, pee, and have oatmeal. So there is that. I didn't exercise, but there was some real moving in getting the spare room ready for Mom- we moved a big dresser out of the bedroom, to make more space for her to maneuver her walker.

We toasted our success with vodka tonics and watched Luke Cage.

August 3 Monday
97.6 F

I did take my temp, and pee, and have oatmeal. So there is that. I even spent some time on the deck with my dog.

I was watching my phone, though, because with the current rules for the hospital, there is no point in my getting there prior to Mom having her procedures. She texts me when she hears when she should be going in. I time it pretty well, arriving about noon, when she is back from her procedures. It's still hurry up and wait, of course. We finally leave the hospital after 2:30. We stop at her house (Mom waits in the car) to pick up her meds, her walker, mail (including bills), her computer, some clothes, etc, etc.

DH times it to be home as we arrive. DH and I, masked, assist my mom up the steps to our house.

I announce that I am not cooking, and DH steps up and orders take out Chinese from a local restaurant.

We work on settling in.

Then, I have a ritual committee meeting with my temple- planning for our Zoom High Holiday services.

August 4 Tuesday
97.7 F

I did take my temp (see above, right?) and then had coffee on the deck, and later had oatmeal- so... some routines to cling to.

With Mom here, we wear masks when we are indoors together, at first. Then, I track down screens that had been set aside and get them installed and adjust the temperature settings in the house- now, with fresh air circulating, we can take off our masks while we maintain distance.

I feel these extra precautions are necessary as we adjust to sharing the household, because Mom and I have both been to the hospital. We have all taken stringent precautions, but it's best to err on the side of caution. A little bit of hassle now, preventing future regrets.

To be honest, if it weren't for Covid-19 and its risks in nursing homes, I would really want my mom at a residential rehab. It's so much responsibility having her here.

My schedule is no longer my own; my routine, while not completely derailed, is now shoved in here and there around other needs: making lists of needed supplies and meds, calling doctors for follow up appointments, canceling previously made appointments, rescheduling.

I'm also afraid of my mom falling- or worse- on my watch.

On this day, I have to run out to pick up new meds for my mom, swing by her house for her mail and some bills that need paying. So another outing.

I run a couple of loads of laundry for my mom.

We have yesterday's left over take out for supper. We almost always get two meals from a take out order.

An incredibly awesome event: we begin weekly phone calls with our son JE, his wife JP, and their kids JD and LC. YAY!

August 5 Wednesday
97.4 F

Today. I did take my temp, and pee, and have coffee on the deck with my dog- while bundled up, because it was cold last night, and still chill this morning. I did have oatmeal, but not until lunch.

DH came home at lunch time, and we had our Zoom meeting with grandkid E. We read A House is a House for Me by Mary Ann Hoberman and we read (summarizing often) Bugs by Nancy Winslow Parker and Joan Richards Wright. E is quite interested in bugs. She has received our mailing, with some fun bug activity sheets, and I have printed the same sheets for us so we are able to do the sheets together.

It's fun.

slugs in our yard

DH headed back to work, and my mom napped for a bit. I got a call from her physical therapist, who arrived about 2:30. They worked together in the living room.

My jumpy dog waited outside in the fenced yard. Princess the dog has been doing okay with my mom. Of course, we don't have them in the same room when my mom is in motion. But overall, Princess has calmed down enough.

Of course she still has morning time with me :-)

I made spaghetti with tomato sauce & beyond beef (veggie protein) crumbles in the sauce, and spinach/ cucumber/ mandarin orange/ slivered almond salad.

We had red wine and sparkling water spritzers.

I interacted with two students, so that is progress- issuing overrides for my classes, which are full!

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