Saturday, August 29, 2020

 August 29 Saturday

97.1 F

13th day in a row of morning yoga! Tomorrow will make 2 weeks, and I will do a happy dance! One week after that, it will be THREE WEEKS, which I can claim as a HABIT, and I will consider myself a morning yoga person!

I have a routine that begins with mountain pose and breathing, moves from head (neck stretches, etc) to shoulders and arms, side stretches and gentle twists, then I move to floor for cobra, cat-cow, child's pose, downward dog. I move to my back for leg work, opening hips, foot rolls. Gentle breathing.

I will have some oatmeal shortly.

In other news, my mom's overnight seems to have gone well. My drash and our leading service last night went well. 

Today, Ken is mowing the front yard at least before it rains (the lawn mower is back from the shop after 3+ weeks), or rather, before it rains any more. 

I am focusing hard on the work of getting my classes up on line, with revised content and questions. 

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