Saturday, August 1, 2020

July 31 2020 Drear Diary: COVID-19 complicates the complicated

July 31 Friday
97.2 F

In the morning, before it was too hot, I did some laundry and hung it on the line,  and also trimmed back some vines and shrubs and brush that are trying to overtake our fence in the backyard, and our paths.  I got either a bug bite or a stab wound from the vines on my forearm. Great.

I'm on about Day 3 of oatmeal and raisins for breakfast. Since my doctor, Dr. Rachel, is open to my reducing and hopefully eliminating my cholesterol meds if I keep the numbers down, I'm getting serious about working on the cholesterol through diet and exercise- and maybe meditation.

I was on and off the phone texting/ calling with my mom. She is still in hospital. It turns out that she is not only weak in her legs and core for walking, she also is experiencing tremors due to nerve complications from the chemo in her feet and legs, and in her arms. This means that it is not safe for her to walk even with a walker- unassisted.

The hospital PT that I talked to said flat out she would not sign off on my mom's discharge to home, where she lives alone. Someone coming over every other day is not enough. In this therapist's opinion, my mom can't get from a wheel chair (which is now the recommendation) to bed or toilet without assistance.

This is where COVID-19 makes something that is already complicated even more complicated. The visiting hours at the hospital are severally limited. Only ONE visitor per 24 hours, and that visitor can't step out of the room, or the visit is over for the day- no readmittance.

Discharging my mom to a rehab facility during COVID-19 is also problematic, as the facilities for older or vulnerable folks have been ravaged, and these facilities, like the hospital, also have super strict visiting policies- which also spikes fears of elder abuse. Also, the actual facility that is closest is one my mom has used before- and she liked it the first few times, but now says she won't go back there.

Discharging my mom to my sister's home is problematic, because my sister and her adult sons all work outside the home, and so are a higher Covid-19 risk.

The same is true as far as discharging to my brother's house.

Discharging to our home is also problematic, as DH works outside the home (although he has more limited contact with the public, and his protocols for mask and handwashing are excellent). The other factor here is my dog, who is young and can bump people.

Discharging Mom to her own home is NOT SAFE at present. Even though it is not safe, this is what she wants.

It's beyond stressful.

On Friday, we were still hopeful that she could get physical therapy at the hospital before discharge. Insurance was being investigated.

When DH came home, we ate early, then had our yoga Zoom with son A and his SO (Significant Other) JJ - shifted from Thursday to Friday. After yoga and brief visit, we "attended" our religious services via Zoom. It was lay led by our friend Carol R, with various congregational members having parts (including DH and myself).

Then we finished the 2nd season of Daredevil  and started Luke Cage season 1. Starting a Marvelous weekend.

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