Friday, August 28, 2020

Aug 27 to Aug 28

 August 27 Thursday

98.1 F

Keeping up with daily yoga! Oatmeal nearly every day. 

I had planned on working straight through, binge working on my classes- almost derailed by emotional conversation with my mom. She had been thinking of having me take her out and about for errands, as well as we had some distinct air clearing to do about each of our worries about her health and recovery. Ultimately we stayed home, I worked very hard and made good progress.

Ken had the "open house" for his school- Held outdoors, trying to social distance. Parents were asked to wear masks, 90+% did in the first wave, he said, but only about 75% in the second wave. 

Sometimes I feel like we are living in two separate worlds- people who believe in/ take seriously the pandemic, and those who don't, who are living life as "normal".

August 28 Friday

97.9 F

Last night I dreamed that I was going to temple to lead services (we are leading services tonight, but on Zoom) It was the service we are leading tonight, Ki Teitze. I was looking for a quiet place to work on my sermon- it wasn't done yet, it was started on my computer, not printed. I was anxious. I was in a social hall type space and some pre-teen boys came in with instruments (saxophones?) in cases asking if "anybody was using the room." I said I was, and the set up to practice anyway. I left and went outside, and there were so many kids lining up outside, like a fire drill but it felt more like dismissal from school. My friend CW was there, seemed in charge and I figured she was now director of education. I was concerned because I was the only one wearing a mask. 

That's all I remember.

I did yoga again this morning- it's close to 15 minutes now. My sister DT has picked up Mom for an overnight- alone- at DT's house while DT spends the night at my bro CE's house. Yeah. So that Mom's dog won't be alone.

K and I are leading services tonight, via Zoom. Working on the sermon. For reals.

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