Thursday, December 14, 2017

5778*: On the first night...

It's once again that time of year. Here in Michigan, the snow is falling, and the latkes are frying, and it's time, once again, to open up the gifts that I did not get for you** ...

Do you realize I'm about to NOT get you special Chanukah gifts for the sixth year in a row? It's true! Check out 5777, 5776, 5775, 5774, and 5773!***

This tradition is special to me, and I hope special to you. Unfortunately, it is becoming an unintentional tradition that I'm always playing catch up with the holiday. Here it is, Day 2 of 8, and I'm already late! That's just great! But I know you can relate...


On the FIRST night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you:

Whose brilliant idea is this?

Here is a smiling child, being devoured by a silver satin and plush SHARK.

Then read the captions. I must believe that whoever wrote the copy had no previous view of the image. Maybe.

It's "the Fun Blanket that brings Imagination to Life!"

If, in your imagination, you are being devoured by a SHARK.

"Perfect for reading, a book, watching a movie, playing games, and more!"

What book- or movie- JAWS?

What games, pray tell? WHAT MORE?

"Wraps You in your Favorite Underwater Character!"

I'm sorry, but that child is not being  WRAPPED. Or SNUGGLED. That child is being SWALLOWED WHOLE.

So, no. I did not buy this for you. ****

Second night, coming up!

*5778 is the current year of the Hebrew calendar. Tradition holds that the Earth was created 5,778 years ago. However, like many of us, the Earth lies about her age. You can look up the current Hebrew date here.

** "You" being originally my Dear Son In Law, who in The First Blog was still my Dear Daughter's Significant Other, but by "You" I also include YOU, Dear Reader

*** For some of the earlier years,  you may have to page down in December to read the Chanukah blogs. Because, I actually used to blog then.

**** Other reasons I did not buy this for you: 1. Not available in your size. 2. Not available in Kraken.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG. That snuggle scares the hell outta me......DD should write you a thank you note for not sending it.