Friday, December 15, 2017

5778: On the third night...

On the third night of Chanukah, I did not buy for you:

 It is a beer boot. It says so, right on the box (en deux langues, s'il vous plait!). "Kick back," it says, "with a cold one!" It's XL, which I am certain is the beginning of X-L-ent!

It holds THREE BEERS*! So it's the perfect gift to not-buy you on Night Three!

WHY would I not buy you the beer boot, when I know perfectly well that you enjoy a good brew?

I'm glad you asked! Here a just a few reasons you might pour over...

1. Beer drinking with the beer boot could lead to putting your foot in your mouth. There's enough of that going around without you joining in!

2. What if all your friends wanted one, too? And you had to smuggle them their own beer boots? You might become a boot-lager.

3. At the bar, your friends would expect you to foot the bill.

Besides, I like you. I would never give you the boot.

Then again, you might not like a beer boot. If you didn't like it, and decided to re-gift it--- would that be a reboot?**

* Night three, three beers, three sheets to the wind... 

 ** I swear these all sounded HILARIOUS after I emptied my X-L-ent beer boot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

....and one more footnote ------ if DD received this, would he then have the world at his feet?