Saturday, December 31, 2016

On the [blank] night of Chanukah, I did not give to you (part 7 of 8)

On the seventh night of Chanukah, I did not give to you...

(Wow, it feels so good to write that on the seventh night, to be, you know, caught up.)

On the seventh night of Chanukah, I did not give to you these:

These are ninja-bread men cookie cutters. They look sort of adorable. And they're ninjas!

These are the reasons that the ninja-bread man cookie cutters didn't make the cut.

1. Require too much frosting painting. If you don't frosting paint them to look like ninjas, they just look like senior citizens having a bad day on a slippery sidewalk. I'm getting too old for that to be amusing.
2. Under accessorized. No throwing stars! No nunchucks! NONE CHUCKS! (Unless it's Chuck Norris- but that would require too much frosting painting* - see #1).
 3. Taking away jobs from honest gingerbreadmen. I will not tolerate the ginger prejudice - ask Tim Minchin or let him sing it to you here.

* Notice that I always say "frosting painting". Because that's what you do with [blank]bread men. It needs to be frosting. Not acrylic. Not watercolor. Not tempura. (Well, maybe tempura. Oh, wait, that's tempera- no not that either.)

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