Friday, December 30, 2016

On the [blank] night of Chanukah, I did not give to you (part 3 of 8)

On the third night of Chanukah, I did not give to you...

Sometimes, there is a gift that I didn't give you that is just so special, it just demands that I not give you something to go with it. A companion piece.

(Or sometimes, a gift that I discovered and didn't give you is later discovered by someone else- for example, the Shitten, which I didn't give you here, way back in December 2014, and just this year, my hero George Takei featured the Shitten on his Facebook page.)

But I digress. Sometimes, as I said, a gift that I did not give you demands that I do not give you a companion piece. So you can have a set, you know? So here you go:

Remember when I did not give you Salt-n-Pants? This year, for the third night of Chanukah, I do not give to you:

Like the Salt & Pants, Mr. TEA is also multi-cultural (or at least bilingual). He's a guy who is okay with getting deep into hot water.

It's almost like your tea cup is his little hot tub. So the little man gets into your tea cup and ...

your clear water slowly turns...


Not going to get it.

You are welcome.

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