Tuesday, January 3, 2017

On the [blank] night of Chanukah, I did not give to you... (part 8 of 8) AT LAST THE LAST!

On the eighth night of Chanukah, I did not give to you...

Some things are really worth the wait. (Cue Carly Simon Anticipation here.)

The eighth night of Chanukah can be like that. It's my DH's favorite night. He loves the blaze of the full menorah.

It's a miracle, right? We've made it back to the light through some of the darkest days.

Sometimes, we can even smile.

So I didn't get this for you, hoping for a smile.

It's a "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" cookie cutter. (Cue Judy Garland here.)

See, it's clouds, and a rainbow, and a pot of gold--

Wait, what did you think it was?

(See, that's why I didn't get it for you. Can't trust you with frosting paints, can I!)
(Cue "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" here. )

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