Friday, November 10, 2023


 I'm proud of myself, I'm getting so much done.

I'm a mess, I'm falling apart.

It seems both things are true. 

I have been having a series of challenging days.

I am hunkered down at home today for most of the day. Yesterday I ran around and around and ran errands. 

I have a long, long list of Things To Do. I am chipping away at the list. 

Yesterday morning I cleaned out a a towel cupboard and two kitchen cupboards. I wrote thank you cards.

Later, I took thank you cards and mailed them at the post office.

I went to pick up my two aged, broken computers that I had dropped off for data transfer. The nice tech guy said he had really tried, but he wasn't able to access the hard drive of the oldest computer. I took it anyway, to work on it at home, give it one more try. 

I went to the school where Ken worked, to drop off paper recycling and check on the tree planted in his memory. I went to Goodwill and dropped off a box and three bags of discards. I went in to the grocery store, and bought coffee and a couple more items.

Then I came home, and later my sister came over and we made one of our Hello Fresh meals. 

Today I've been feeling overwhelmed with plans for Thanksgiving, with my teaching work, with my responsibilities as ritual chair for my temple, with upcoming Chanukah. 

I was feeling so overwhelmed. I kept chipping away.

Today I made another of the meals, with a portion for my lunch and a portion for my dinner. 

Today I walked the dog. I worked on another cupboard. I'm trying to organize my lists. 

I reserved tickets for a show I'll attend with my son and his spouse. 

I had a long phone call with my favorite youngest daughter.  I had a FaceTime call with one of my alterna-daughters and her newborn.

Today I asked for help with Chanukah- and had several responses.

Today I wrote an article for the quarterly temple bulletin, and identified people in photos.

Today I tried to transfer the data from the oldest computer- and I was successful! What I had forgotten to mention to the tech guy is that this particular computer has to be plugged in the entire time- the battery doesn't charge. Not only that, but also you have to make sure that the plug is actually connecting.

Data transfer- accomplished!

I noticed that the deadline was coming up to post proof of flu vaccination at the University. I looked up how to do it, and I posted that proof.

I still have a number of things that I really must do before I sleep. I still feel overwhelmed. 

I will keep chipping away.

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