Tuesday, December 8, 2015

On the Second Night of Hanuka, I did not give to you...

...wherein on the second day of Hanuka, the second spelling of Hanuka, our beloved writer gets caught up or synced  up with gift not-giving.

The second night of Hanuka has come and gone, and no doubt you are wondering what I didn't get for you. As we are still on the second day of Hanuka (as this holiday, as all Jewish holidays, begins at sundown), I still have time to not give you your gift!

I love my trips to the Goodwill store so much! I have found yet another gift not to give you! Here it is:

Can you see it? It's a chess set! It is in the classic black and white- always in style. At the Goodwill, so at a price that is nice!

But wait! It's more than a chess set!

It is a set of shot glasses!

So this leads to a series of questions:
* Is this chess set a thinking man's game?
* Is this chess set a drinking man's game?
* Is this chess set sexist?

I was confused. Nevertheless, I know you to be a man who thinks, and a man who drinks (on occasion) so I was mightily tempted to get this for you.

However, I know that you are not sexist.

Besides, there was no box. Just the Styrofoam inner case. Gifts need boxes! Ambiguous games need instructions!

Plus, I hate Styrofoam.

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