Saturday, July 18, 2020

Living La Vida 'Rona

Today: 97.1 F

I keep meaning to come back to blogging daily.
My daughter gave me a journal of prompts- from Michelle Obama's Becoming- and I have been answering the prompts daily.
A beginning.

Here is a beginning on life, for me in the Midwest, with the Covid-19 virus and my social distancing. I'm hoping to write some meditations as well (I have at least three started), but here is  a beginning.

I'm taking my temperature daily. This is for my own peace of mind. I've been taking it for about 3 weeks now. I've missed a day here or there, maybe once or twice. So far, it's ranged from 96.9 to 98.3. It's lower when I take it immediately upon arising, before doing any daily tasks.

In Michigan, we are in Phase 4 right now, but may be headed backwards to Phase 3 because of a spike in cases. Wear your masks, people!

Today, Saturday July 18, we will stay home. We may get some to-go food from a local restaurant, supporting local business.

Tomorrow, we have planned a restaurant visit- outside,  wait staff are masked. We expect this will probably be the last time for a while, if the cases continue to spike. We only feel safe if we are outdoors, all masked until eating food.

Ken goes out to work. He masks while inside, washes his hands frequently, and stays in his office. Unfortunately, even though the law is that people indoors must be masked, several of his coworkers don't wear them.

He washes his hands immediately on coming home.

When I go out, it is usually to take my mom to her appointments for her cancer treatment. I run errands for her and for us while I am out. I disinfect my car with spray, and disinfecting wipes on handles. I wear my mask any time I am with my mom, as well as while running errands. I use my disinfecting wipes on the handles of doors and carts. I hand sanitize in and out of my car.

I am being as careful as I can.

I am lucky. I am stay-home-stay-safe with someone I love who loves me. We are taking precautions. I'm expecting that I will be increasing my precautions. I've told my mom I'm going to stop running in to the grocery store, and instead setting up weekly or bi-weekly online order with pick up.

I am concerned that the virus is getting worse, before it will get better.

I've gone through some deeply serious depression / anxiety. I am better now, still fighting it, but better.

One strategy I'm using is to name just 2 or 3 "must do" tasks in a day. Take my mom to her appointment, and send out thank you notes. Answer emails and change the sheets. Email three friends. Today, it's order birthday gifts and send a gift check for a new baby. I will do other things too, but if I get just my must-dos done, I will count that as success for the day.

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