Monday, July 20, 2020


97.9 F Monday July 20

Today I took my mom for her appointment for IV hydration. She is being treated for lung cancer. She has completed radiation surgery (she was not a candidate for traditional surgery) and completed 6 weekly chemo treatments followed by mega dose chemo, wait three weeks, second mega dose chemo.

She has not had nausea or loss of appetite, but she has had hair loss, extreme fatigue, weakness, malaise.

These hydration IVs do seem to lift her energy and spirits. Her blood pressure is running low; her heart rate is running low.

Tomorrow is her appointment with her oncologist. We hope to hear about her recent chest X ray, and blood work drawn today.

I am writing in response to the prompts in my new writer's journal. Aiming to keep up on emails. Gearing up soon for the new semester.

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