Sunday, June 2, 2024

95th Anniversary Event Part 2

 On May 19, a Sunday, the temple celebrated 95 (and more) years since its founding. After the Friday night dinner and Shabbat service, our Sunday celebration was more informal and fun. Char had worked hard on a narrative history accompanied by songs from the decades of TBE's existence. There was a slide show with slides of world events as well as temple events.

I was singing the Andrew's Sisters 1930s version of Bei Mir Bist du Shoen and the 1980s Burt Bacharach That's What Friends Are For a la Dionne Warwick. 

I was super nervous.

All in all, the event went well - but it was running long, and all of the singers had songs cut, so I did not sing That's What Friends Are For. 

Then we had ice cream and cake and punch.

Then our same team that did the clean up post-Friday night cleaned up again.

My friend, and the chair of the 95th committee, asked if I wanted to go out after clean up for a glass of wine. So we did.

It was good to take a moment to relax. The event was a lot of work, over a long time, and in the end it was a success. 

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