Saturday, June 22, 2013

Adventures in baking

On the last night of The Good Person of Szechuan, I presented Director's Awards for Excellence in Ensemble.

I wanted to recognize and celebrate the helpful, generous and dedicated members of the company that contributed to ensemble- that magic that takes a group of disparate individuals and makes us and our project greater as a whole than the sum of our individual parts.

The winners would be recognized with our words of appreciation and a special date with the director (me).

And a cheesecake. That I would make for them.

We closed the show, and the actors finished out the school year and I went to the auditions for my next round of shows.

Then the time came for dates and cheesecakes.

We checked our calendars and I made my plans to make the cheesecakes. I had it all scheduled tightly.

I was on track to get the cheesecakes done with time to chill (the cheesecakes and I would both have time to chill) before picking up my actors - when disaster struck.

My beater blade broke midway through the second of three cheesecakes. Yikes!

Below: Bad Broken Beaters

Now I have gone from having plenty of time to chill to not having time or tools to finish cheesecakes!
Fortunately, I had a back up mixer- the one I use for Passover- in the basement. So I fetched that from the basement.
Guess what? That mixer is so ancient that it struggles and moans and emits I-am-a-motor-straining smells.
BUT I finish the cheesecakes. Not much chill time for me or the cheesecakes, but it is done!
On my way home from my director date (and first round of cheesecake deliveries), I stopped at the store.
And bought a new mixer.


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