Monday, October 8, 2012

I know what I need to do, why don't I do it?

I know what I need to do.

I need to pick one small corner of the house and clean it till it's done and then move to the next.

I need to get up early and stretch and exercise.

I need to eat more vegetables and fruits and eat less fat and carbohydrates.

I need to write every day, no excuses.

I need to reach out instead of withdraw.

I need to drag out the old that is weighing me down and holding me back- ancient obligations, clothes that don't suit, duplicate books and books I won't read- and hand these on to someone who can use them, or has the strength of will to really throw them out.

So- why don't I?


Beth said...

PLEASE, PLEASE call me when you find the answer ... !!!

dramamama said...

I will call when I figure out the answer. Today, after I wrote the post, I got up and went out and took one bag to Goodwill and didn't buy anything at Goodwill. I threw in a load of laundry. I had breakfast. And I am following through on a long ago Groupon before it expires. We'll see.