Thursday, August 23, 2012

Dear Diary: Shut up

Dear Diary: Shut up. I'm here NOW, aren't I?

I knew it was going to be a shitty day today when I went to bed last night. I just didn't know how shitty.

When I went to bed last night, I knew that I had to drink all the laxative solution this afternoon as colon cleansing for my colonoscopy tomorrow. I knew I would be shitting all afternoon.

I didn't know that I would wake up to shit.

What woke me up was the sharp, acrid smell of shit in my bedroom, where Jasper, AKA GoLayDown, AKA GetOutOfTheGarbage, had shit all over the floor.

He didn't whine, he didn't scratch, he just shit all over the floor.

Not diarrhea, just regular, smelly shit.

So, I got up, I cleaned up the shit, I washed the floor, I sprayed odor neutralizer, I lit candles.

I still have the consumption of laxatives to look forward to this afternoon.

Then, since I was up already, I went to catch up on email and the news of the day.

More shit. I am BEYOND shaking my head at what looks, sounds, smells like a War on Women. Akin saying if it's "legitimate rape" that a woman's body will prevent pregnancy. Romney and Ryan distancing themselves from Akin- and then the GOP endorsing a party platform that seeks to ban abortion, with no clause excluding rape or incest.


And reading that a judge in Texas says there will be civil war if Obama is re-elected?

It makes me tired- especially when I read an article predicting Romney will win the election.

So then I follow up on reading my email from My University. There is a student from my Spring 2012 online class that tried to drop the class, thought she had dropped the class, then due to an error of the My U Pipeline (the online interface for all things dealing with the U), the class wasn't dropped. She is trying to get my help in changing her grade from F (since she did zero work, and was on the class list, I had to give that grade) to something else which will allow her to re-take the class.

Well, this is frustrating because since I've left/been let go from My U (something I have had happen more than once), I dread re-contacting. It's frustrating because as a lowly adjunct, this grade change is not a change that I can complete on my own. It's frustrating because it turns out I had to interact with the new chair, who doesn't know me, to get the grade change approved.

It's also frustrating because in researching how to address the new chair (I honestly don't feel like I can address him by his first name, as we have never met), I noted a posting inviting those interested in part-time/adjunct positions to submit apps to be considered for the "hiring pool".

Really? No one would bother to contact me in person to invite me to submit?


As luck, or serendipity would have it, I had posted on my Facebook page a meme that reads: Don't Stay Where You Are Tolerated. Go Where You Are Celebrated!

At least for now, I'm not going to submit to the pool for part-time/adjunct. Instead, I will substitute teach for pin money at the local school, babysit my grandson on Mondays...

and write.

and apply to better gigs, looking to go where I will be celebrated.

This afternoon, I will get rid of my own literal shit.

In the days ahead, the metaphoric shit may take longer.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Oh, sh*t

It seems there's a theme.

Today I had to wait for the truck to pump out our septic.

On the counter awaiting consumption next week are the Rx for evacuation of my own system pre-colonoscopy.

Oh, joy.

Friday, August 3, 2012

write anything again and again

Dear Digital Diary- How are you?

Some new plans: Remember when I used to demand one half- hour per day of each of my kids in each of the following: math, music, Hebrew, housework?

Well, I've decided that I'm going to start with some self-demands along those lines. Every day one half hour housework and one half hour writing. As a minimum. As maintenance.

We will see how it goes.

In addition to this blog, I'll be writing song lyrics as a gift for my youngest, some of which are inspired by my first born. And I will start writing the story of my life. It's interesting to me at least, and then I can lift and fictionalize whatever bits ;-)

Part of my housework today is laundry - that's the part that will add to my fitness, I hope. Then I am also working on a gift quilt.

I find a hurt in my heart for each of my four children today; and tremendous pride in each of them as well.