We went to visit our son in Chicago. We had a great time guiding each other through the city.
We stayed in our son's apartment. We did some of the ordinary chores of family life-- cooking, grocery shopping. We accompanied him to his work and watched him in action.
While my husband and I shared some of our personal history in Chicago, our son introduced us to the features of his Chicago: we toured the Art Institute of Chicago, and our son introduced us to the Bean.
We went out and enjoyed some Chicago blues at the Kingston Mines.
Our son had a gift certificate to RJ Grunts and took us there for lunch. My husband pointed out to our son the exact spot where my husband first caught site of me.
We stayed in our son's apartment. We did some of the ordinary chores of family life-- cooking, grocery shopping. We accompanied him to his work and watched him in action.
We visited with his girlfriend and with her parents.
We went to a movie. It's been a long time since we went to a movie downtown. We forgot about parking. Somehow, we just barely made it into the movie so the opening scene was just beginning.
Timing is everything.
One side benefit of going to the movie: we all discovered the location of Second City. Good to know.
While my husband and I shared some of our personal history in Chicago, our son introduced us to the features of his Chicago: we toured the Art Institute of Chicago, and our son introduced us to the Bean.
We went out and enjoyed some Chicago blues at the Kingston Mines.
We packed a lot into a few days. We enjoyed it all-- enjoyed most of all spending time with a wonderful young man, our son.